Sunday, March 10, 2013

More Processing

Installment 2 (Installment 1 can be seen here).
Written 3/9/13 

It is beyond frustrating to want to do things and not be able.  I long to be able to be fully independent, but I’m not able at present.  I need rides places and probably should be asking for help with household and work tasks and errands. I HATE limitations (and I don’t usually use the word “hate” but nothing else is adequate).  I’m so frustrated and discouraged.  One would think that over a decade would be long enough to get used to how to deal with things effectively…but no, apparently not.  

I’m tired.  Tired of having to decide which activities to prioritize because I know I will not be able to do everything.  Tired of having to say “no” to fun activities in order to be able to do required work.  Tired of having to decline one planned fun event in order to be able to attend another event because I know I won’t be able to manage both.  Tired of using all my energy for work and having nothing left over for meeting with friends.  Tired of working so hard just to keep going half-way normally.  (Again, what is normal? I don’t know. The old “normal” is long gone.  The new “normal” is anything but what I would have ever called “normal” in a healthy condition.) Tired of the effort required to get through a single day. Tired of not being able to plan ahead because I don’t know what my body will be able to handle.  Tired of having to back out of things at the last minute. Tired of the loneliness that results from not being able to go places and do things.  Tired of the other loneliness that results from the inability of others to even begin to comprehend what life with chronic illness and pain is like.  Tired of having to plan so much just for basic, every day things.  Tired of limitations. Tired of being tired.  Tired of pain all day every day, day after day, night after night, years on end, no end in sight. 

OK, end of little pity party.  Now, back to trying to be my usual cheerful self.  I think I just get overly tired of how much work it takes just to appear normal.  I spend so much effort on trying to live life as normally as possible and drawing as little attention as possible.  But once in awhile, the self pity creeps in and for a very brief time I do wish others would realize the effort it takes me to just live life.  I would never wish what I live with on anyone else.  However, sometimes it would just be nice to have the amount of work required to survive daily life recognized.  Some days, I honestly don’t know how I even get through the day.  Those are the days that God makes it obvious He is carrying me.  

I am truly grateful for my loving supportive family.  I am also so thankful for the few friends I have who also live with pain and thus truly do understand what life is like.  Above all, I am grateful for a loving God who knows me better than I know myself and knows best what I truly need. 

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