Tuesday, January 11, 2011

A Letter in the Mail

This is a story from last week. Most of this is copied directly from my journal from that day. To set the stage a little bit, last week was really hard as were the weeks before it. I have had so many doctor appointments lately, that there are several doctor bills expected.

Last Thursday, I checked the mail when I got home mid afternoon-nothing. Funny, how there was an immediate relief of no bills and also disappointment of getting nothing. Apparently, I’m still a kid at heart who enjoys getting fun mail. It had been late enough in the day that the mail might have come, but early enough that it might not have come yet. So, I checked again later-one item, a Christmas card from my cousin and family with a current family picture! So fun! It made my day to get fun mail! The next day-same story. No mail when I first checked. I forgot until that evening. Again, one item-a letter-not a bill! I looked at it out of curiosity. It was postmarked in Des Moines, but had no return address. I opened it. There was a folded sheet of paper with a Scripture reference; 1 Peter 5:11. I looked it up after “reading” the letter. “To him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.” So, what was the letter? The sheet of paper was actually blank other than the reference. Wrapped inside the paper was a $100 bill. I cried. I was amazed at the goodness of God and His people and humbled that He would reach out to insignificant me. It was a reminder that He will make everything work out for the best. He can do anything. He is good beyond comprehension. I don’t know who sent it, but God does. God gets the glory and this special person gets a heavenly reward. I felt so reassured that everything will be alright. There has been so much fear and doubt even though I try so hard to trust. I know that I don’t need to struggle and instead need to rest in the victory I already have in Christ. It is so hard. God is faithful and so patient with me. I don’t know His full plan and purpose but He does and that is enough. This was just such a reassuring reminder of what God can do.

In a crazy week that started with me still so sick from medication side effects that I was unable to function at a very good level and ended with me having to stop every medication other than the over the counter pain killers and feeling like I was back at the beginning and starting over, God reminded me that He is here with me. He not only knows about this, He knew it was coming. He prepared someone to send me a reminder of His goodness in time to get it when I was at a low point and be encouraged. It isn’t even the money that has me excited. It is the thought and reminder that God can do anything through His people who are yielded and willing. I still get tears as I think and write about it. God is so good!

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