Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Shoulder Rehab Progress: 2 & 3 weeks post-op

I wrote the 2-week update at two weeks, but had a rough day and never got it finished and posted. So, I am combining weeks. Also, I had an interesting realization....I am regaining ability to drive for the third time in a year, was cleared to be in the pool again for third time in the past year, fourth time in 13 months. And....hoping third time is the charm!? The first time I lost ability to walk, I became grateful for every step as I relearned how to walk. The first time I lost ability to drive, I was so excited to regain the ability. Thus, I do not take skills, abilities for granted. It is difficult to keep losing, having to work to regain the same things over and over again. grateful I am regaining, not permanent loss at this point!

Two Weeks
I am two weeks post-op today. It has been a rocky week and a rough day. My shoulder has been more sore and PT could tell today that it was more stiff and I was more hesitant and reactive with having it moved. Today was first time trying very basic active motion and it went OK, but oh, my arm felt like dead weight. I am cleared to walk more as pace is nearing pre-op pace, but duration and distance are still less than pre-op. Incisions are not ready to be submerged yet....but, when I was asking PT how big of concern when I am just asking to walk in the pool, I have waterproof bandages, and I was in the pool with incisions submerged five days post-op hip, he actually agreed with me, had already wanted me able to be in the pool earlier since water aids in overall management of everything, plus aids rehab. The other item that is waiting on incisions to be well-closed, is restarting NSAID. After watching how much I was struggling today, and after he felt how much more stiff things were, he said go ahead. He thinks since I have been on it with past surgeries, am full two weeks post-op, it is not a big concern, I clearly need help.

Three Weeks
Today is three weeks post-op. And, steri strips are gone! I had pulled them one off of one incision yesterday knowing the incision looked fine, but PT checked and pulled the rest off this afternoon. He officially cleared me for pool, including submerging incisions! We both agreed I should continue to use waterproof bandages just to be safe, but he thinks incisions are good to go. Also, just getting into the first most basic isometric exercises. Shoulder is surprisingly stiff, sore again after starting to ease up later last week after restarting NSAID. PT can tell how stiff it is and how uncomfortable for me. He is hoping more pool work will help with that since my body has typically done better in water. I am hoping so as well. I am also hoping getting back to more of the activities I was doing before will help calm some of the more global flare. The shoulder is feeling better than pre-op, but has less ability and when PT pushes limits of allowed range of motion, it is not pleasant. I am sleeping longer and better than pre-op. Grateful for sleep!

Why the silence, delayed updates? Well, I found out right at two weeks post-op that I need another major surgery. I had really hoped shoulder would be last surgery for a while. So, I was taken by surprise, caught off guard, feeling overwhelmed. Nothing is scheduled as all involved know my body has healing and recovery to do for shoulder before we consider anything else. The tentative plan is get shoulder surgeon's thoughts on what he thinks is reasonable time frame for my body to recover from shoulder without compromising recovery at 6-week post-op check. Then schedule next surgery accordingly. In the meantime, scheduled for second opinion with another surgeon for the proposed surgery.  (This at recommendation of one of my other doctors who pointed out every surgery is complex with underlying connective tissue disorder, thus second opinion simply makes sense.) Working on coming to terms with the fact my time line for goals has again been altered.

I am grateful for what is going well. The shoulder is healing, incisions are closed without some of the issues encountered in past. I have support as I work to rehab my shoulder, manage ongoing recovery for the rest of my body, and prepare for more surgery. I am making gains with physical activity ability! I am walking at near pre-op pace and distance. I am slowly adding back what hip rehab exercises are doable without interfering with recovering shoulder. I can do more daily tasks. I can drive--at least locally. I can walk in the pool and do hip rehab exercises in the pool, was even allowed to do a tiny bit of very simple shoulder work. I was just cleared to try doing more gentle shoulder exercises in the pool, try kicking with kick board! Have not tried yet, but hopeful.

Copyright © 2018 by Only By God's Grace. All rights reserved.

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Shoulder Rehab Progress: 1 week post-op

Hard to believe I am already more than one week post-op shoulder arthroscopy. The surgery went well, no surprises, not too involved. Recovery is going well. But encountering other challenges, so it has been an overwhelming and at times discouraging week.

First PT went well! Good motion, no actual pain, though I sure knew when it was reaching end of comfortable range of motion. PT thinks this recovery will go as well or better than hips! Optimistic!

I am sleeping better than pre-op, as pain is less than pre-op. Also, in early stage of healing, so more tired. I am able to be weaning from the sling, but still not allowed to do anything with the arm/shoulder.

Ten days post-op, just back from a walk,
plus summary for past week, not too bad!

I also happen to be 13 months post-op right hip, 25.5 months post-op left hip. PT commented that hips are doing better than anticipated considering travel, surgery, broken routines, etc. That was encouraging! We have officially shifted to shoulder rehab, though hips will still be addressed as needed.

So grateful! God is good!

Copyright © 2018 by Only By God's Grace. All rights reserved.