Saturday, August 19, 2017

One Month: Holding Steady

Yesterday was a full month after the right hip surgery. It seems hard to believe it has been a month since surgery.  In some ways, it feels like it has been forever.  The tedious stage continues.  My body is exhausted from crutches and I wake stiff/sore every morning. I am cleared to use only one crutch around home as long as it feels alright and not too long of distance.  I can put full weight through with both crutches, but again, only as long as it feels alright. So far it all feels fine. I know I posted at one month post-op last time as it was a memorable date--the day I was first allowed to start weaning crutches and try walking both with one crutch and with no crutches.  The no crutches did not go well and I had to keep a crutch.  This time, I was allowed to try walking with one crutch in PT at four weeks, and since it went well, told it was fine to walk short distances at home with one crutch.  Well, the PT appt at one month (4.5 weeks) was pretty much just repeat--walking with one crutch still looks fine, so still fine to do so at home.  Otherwise, two crutches. Because I had already been cleared to do this, this was sort of an anti-climax to be just maintaining the status quo. We have still not even tried seeing how I do without either crutch. We know I can stand with full weight on surgical side. I think I am more puzzled than discouraged, but have to admit to being somewhat discouraged. This hip is doing better, tolerating adding weight on better than first one did, etc. Thus, I am uncertain why I am being held back.  However, I know from last time that weaning off of crutches is a crucial step, needs to be done in such a way as to make sure there is no pain and no limping.  We are still working on gait.  The rest of my body gets ever more tired of crutches.  I wake every morning with everything stiff and sore--neck, back, shoulders, wrists, hands, both hips.  Left hip has been sore the last few days--enough that when icing right hip first thing in the morning, I have iced left as well the last few days and that has calmed it nicely.  So, hoping to avoid full blown flare, but being cautious.  I had been limiting how much I am on my feet/crutches/walker anyway, but starting to do so even more and starting to become afraid of consequences of being on crutches/walker this long based on what happened last time and what is happening now. I still go nowhere non-essential. I have been wanting to get to church, but trying to wait until off crutches. I had been hoping to make it this weekend, but with still being on two crutches, this is now unlikely.   Besides, it is still hard to sit very long. (Family movie night here at home started out with me fully reclined in my zero gravity chair, but halfway through I moved to lying prone on the floor propped with a pillow.)  The other hard part of recovering from right hip surgery, is still not being able to drive.  I could drive pretty early with left hip. I am very grateful for sisters who are willing to make themselves available to give me rides.  However, I really want to be able to drive myself again.

I am still not on any pain medications or sleep medications, but things are stiff and sore enough to be considering restarting pain medication(s), and sleep quality is starting to worsen enough to contemplate adding back sleep medication(s). I know this is just an awkward, tedious, challenging phase of recovery, so I am trying to be patient and proactive versus reactive in my approaches.  However, coming off crutches with hips flared is not going to help the next stage of rehab, either.  Uncertain what it best. Hoping to get through the weekend alright and see how PT goes next week.

Copyright © 2017 by Stef. All rights reserved.

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