Monday, July 15, 2013

Mayo Clinic Update

The appointment with the neurologist at Mayo Clinic seemed to go well.  This appointment was regarding the significant muscle weakness/fatigue I have been struggling with the past few years.  The physician does not think the muscle weakness is the muscle condition I had been guessing and had asked about.  He did order a lot of testing, including a muscle biopsy.  The muscle biopsy should be able to provide a definitive answer either way--either confirm the condition or rule it out.  Mayo was able to coordinate all of the testing to be completed the same week.  Most of it was the day after my appointment with the neurologist, but the biopsy was Friday morning.  Then, I am scheduled for a follow-up appt with the neurologist three weeks later (early August) to learn the results of all of the testing.  

Because of no scheduled testing Thursday and the risk of being stuck in Rochester over the weekend if unable to drive for 24-48 hr after sedation/anesthesia (for the biopsy), I came back to Ames Wednesday afternoon.  The driving, testing, having to withhold NSAIDs, and stress of uncertainties all contributed to a major exacerbation of the "normal" chronic pain.  I took muscle relaxer as soon as I got home, but ended up in bed and crying for nearly 2 hours (much worse than normal neck and back pain plus a migraine).  I finally fell asleep about 7pm, woke 1:30am (when due for more Tylenol and muscle relaxant), took more meds, tried to go back to sleep but could not get things to ease up. I finally ended up giving up and going to the emergency room ~2:30am.  They gave me enough narcotic pain killer to get through the night and part of the next day and also gave me a prescription for more pain killer to fill the next day to last until after the procedure Friday.  Things finally calmed down a bit and I was better able to cope. 

Two of my sisters came and stayed with me Thursday evening and then drove me back to Rochester very early in the morning Friday (we left ~4am) and then they drove me back to Ames again Friday afternoon.  I just do so much better in my own place than anywhere else. I am so grateful my sisters were able to help out with the driving!  The muscle biopsy, a minor out-patient surgery, was done late Friday morning.  The procedure seemed to go well.  However, I received a few surprises after the procedure: 1) I am not allowed to submerge the incision site for 4 weeks (this means no swimming and no epsom salt baths), 2) I am not able to return to work until after 7 days, and 3) I am not able to restart NSAIDs for 3 days after the procedure.  Prior to the procedure I was told to wait 1.5-2 weeks before able to submerge the incision, I could restart NSAIDs same day, and absolutely nothing was said about missing time from work.  It would have been better had I been told a more accurate picture of restrictions prior to the procedure rather than afterward.  As it was, there was no way to prepare in advance.  I was given a prescription for more pain killer to get me through until able to restart NSAIDs.  My arm is swollen, stiff, red, bruised, with an ugly incision.  However, this is a small price to pay for answers.  My hope and prayer is that there will be clear answers.  I also pray I will be accepting of whatever the answer(s) may be and also accepting of the situation if there are still no answers even after thorough testing.  I so desperately want to be able to regain my former functional ability.  

It is difficult figuring out how to do things with only one arm/hand or minimal use of the one that had surgery.  One of my sisters was able to stay with me through the weekend to help.  She has been a huge blessing!  I also asked her to drive me to go get my hair cut again to make it easier to take care of until my arm heals. 

Hopefully, things return back to my "normal baseline" quickly now that all of the testing is done, I am able to shift back to usual medications, and I have had a chance to recover from the travel-at least partially.  I am not doing very well at not working (I was on campus working today), but am trying to take it easy and be careful as I really do not have time for complications as a result of trying to rush things before my body is ready. I need to remember that I did have surgery and that on top of a pain flare. My body needs rest and time to recover and heal.

Please pray for rapid healing and recovery from the biopsy procedure (a minor out-patient surgery) as well as the results of all of the testing--that it gives an accurate picture of what is going on.  Please pray for wisdom for the physician who will be interpreting all of the results and hopefully, figuring out the correct diagnosis and also assisting with how to manage things. Prayer would also be greatly appreciated regarding management of the "normal" (and currently flared) chronic pain during this time when my normal approaches to pain management have been displaced out of necessity. Thank you so much to all who have been praying!  God is good and faithful!  
God went before and prepared things in so many ways.  He provided the appointment in the first place, then He moved it to a more convenient time.  I was blessed to be able to stay with a friend while I was in Rochester!  This was a such a relief when I was so nervous prior to the appointment.  Additionally, I was put in touch with others who are receiving treatment at Mayo Clinic right now.  They were such an encouragement to me as well as they shared their experience and reassured me.  My sisters were able to stay with me and drive me back up to Mayo and then home again for the actual surgery.  One sister was able to stay with me and help out through the weekend.  These are all things I had not foreseen that God worked out.  He truly is good in all He does!


  1. Bless your heart, Stephanie. I will pray more. Thank you for the report. It is helpful to know how to pray for you. Aren't sisters wonderful? I had surgery four weeks ago tomorrow and my sister came and stayed as long as I needed her...about a week after I came home. Nahum 1:7 Jehovah Rapha is amazing!

  2. Stephanie, you are encouraging us to believe God is able to assist you. Keep the faith.

  3. Thank you for your prayers and encouragement! God is good in all He does!
