Sunday, August 26, 2012


-I had to go back and locate the part that fell off of my car on the way to church.  This resulted in making me late to church, but I found the part and I did finally get to church!
-I took a nap instead of eating lunch as I was far more tired than hungry.
-I finally made tortillas after intending to do so all spring and summer.  They turned out very well!
-I confirmed that yes, I must really be getting sick again...the sore throat, tiredness, decreased appetite have now been joined by low grade fever...sigh.
-Giving God thanks for the day, all it has held and still holds, His faithfulness in meeting every need, sustaining in all things!

"This is the day the LORD has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24

1 comment:

  1. Ugh!
    Ugh, ugh!

    Fatigue certainly helps sickness develop. Praying.
    At least your motor didn't fall out, you wouldn't have been able to drive back and find it.
    luv, ken
