Saturday, December 11, 2010


I am nice and warm and cozy at home this evening even as the wind blows and the snow falls...and blows. Things are being canceled due to the blizzard outside. Inside, I am making cookies, finishing laundry, grading, listening to Christmas music, watching the snow, listening to the wind, washing dishes, and in general probably doing too many things at once! Yes, I really can hear the wind over the music.

It has been a good day. I have not gotten a lot done, but it has been good anyway. The weather has been bad, but it has still been a good day. I am learning that how "good" a day is has nothing to do with what happens on the day and everything to do with how I perceive it! Posted on my computer desktop is the verse, "This is the day the LORD has made;We will rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24. God has made every day and given it to me. Rejoicing is a choice. I can choose to rejoice regardless of circumstances! Rejoicing in every day regardless of circumstances is not a new lesson. However, it has been a challenge to always choose to rejoice every day no matter what the day was like or what was going on. (See note about what is a bad day?) That note was exploring whether what I would typically think of as a bad day really was a bad day. I have decided they are not bad days. Again, it is a matter of perception and making choices.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this...I so agree with you. My dad always used to point out to me how many times in the Psalms it says "I will...", my favorite is Psalm 34- Yes, it is a choice. love you, Rachaelle
