Friday, May 2, 2014

Updates on Mom April and May 2014

Much of this has been copied directly from Facebook update posts over the past few days.

4/29/14 evening:
Update on my mom and prayer request: my mom is going in for a liver biopsy tomorrow morning. They will give her platelets beforehand to try to avoid excessive bleeding as her counts have been low. The doctors have not wanted to start the new chemotherapy until they know what is going on with her liver. Please pray the test gives an accurate portrayal of what is going on and for wisdom for the doctors to know how best to proceed. Please pray for strength and healing for my mom as well.
4/30/14 early evening:
Please keep praying. My mom had the procedure, but is now bleeding internally. They are trying to find where the bleeding is in order to get it stopped. She will be staying in the hospital overnight tonight. Prayers are greatly appreciated!
4/30/14 later evening (few hours later):
Thank you so much! I just heard from my dad with an update on my mom. They got the bleeding stopped, my mom is stable and was moved to critical care for overnight.
5/1/14 early evening:
Update on my mom: I just talked with my dad and my mom is still in the hospital and will be kept overnight tonight as well, but she has been moved from critical care to a regular floor.  Her blood pressure and blood counts have been holding steady today.  However, she lost a lot of blood and it took a lot to get levels up again.  Additionally, challenges with getting adequate nutrition continue with new ones added from the recent events.  Prayer for ongoing healing are still needed.  She should hopefully learn the results of the liver biopsy next week. I believe they are still waiting to start the new chemotherapy until after they know the results of the biopsy, so please continue to pray for wisdom for the doctors.

5/2/14 late morning:
Update on my mom again: My dad just let me know that the liver biopsy shows cancer in her liver. They are keeping her in the hospital again tonight to make sure her blood levels stay stable. Please keep praying for her. Thank you!

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