Friday, August 2, 2013

Update on Mayo Clinic Results

Well...I am not sure how to start this update.  I guess, first, a HUGE thank you to all who have been praying for me through the months and years.  Next, I am very grateful to have been able to go to Mayo Clinic and for their excellent care in the process.  Today was a follow-up appointment with the surgeon to check the incision.  The incision is fine and healing well!  The "scar tissue remodeling" process will take about one year. 

Then, I had a follow-up appointment with the neurologist to hear the results from the muscle biopsy and other testing.  And...absolutely everything was normal.  This was was both good to hear and disappointing to hear.  It is good to know that there is not really anything "wrong" with my muscles.  At the same time, it was disappointing to learn there is no known cause for the weakness and therefore no further insight into managing things.  I was told to continue as I have been--learning by trial and error what seems to help with symptoms. 

Honestly, I do not know yet fully how I feel regarding the news.  I have not yet fully processed things.  I am truly relieved on one hand that things are normal.  To me, this implies that if I can figure out how to help my body, that theoretically, I should be able to get things fully resolved.  On the other hand, it does mean that I am "stuck" with current situation until current approaches have more time to work and/or I figure out something else to try that helps.  I have more follow-up appointments with other providers in the next week or so.  Hopefully, between everyone, we can come up with some kind of plan to support my body and help it function as best as possible and survive the coming school year.  Eventually, I would like to get to the point where instead of struggling so hard to simply survive, I can regain the ability to thrive and do some things without so much effort and advance planning.

Prayers for wisdom for me as I move forward from here would be greatly appreciated.  I would also value prayers for true acceptance of yet another unexplained symptom/condition on top of the already existing ones.


  1. Hmmm...praying for you to find the right thing/approach/help, and mostly for Jehovah Rapha's healing. God bless you.
