Saturday, December 31, 2011

Good-bye 2011

It is the last day of the year already. 2011 held the unexpected-and lots of it. I learned so much in so many ways. God taught me more of Himself and more of who I am in Him. He taught me that I do NOT have to be in control-of any part of “my” life. He also showed me that I do NOT need to know the reason or outcome of things that happen. He taught me that it is OK to take things as they come rather than plan all out to the last detail. He taught me it is alright to let go of my timeframe and instead wait on His perfect timing. He showed me even more the importance of family, friends, coworkers. He showed me the reason or partial reasons for some of the things that happened and reminded me that I can trust Him in all-even when I do not know why things are happening the way they are or how things will end. He does know why and how things will end and He is in control of all and that is all that matters. He is still working on me to learn to accept things that do not seem to ever resolve. I have been and continue to be a work in process. My prayer is that the coming year brings me ever closer to God in my relationship with Him and ever closer to His plan for my life.

1 comment:

  1. "My prayer is that the coming year brings me ever closer to God in my relationship with Him and ever closer to His plan for my life."

    Very nicely said, Stephanie! This is my heart's cry for the new year as well.

    I am praying for you, dear sister... many blessings in 2012!

    In Christ's love,
